Melissa Anguah Nortey MPhil

Melissa Anguah Nortey MPhil

Postgraduate Researcher

Melissa graduated from Ghana Technology University and The University of Ghana with a BSc in management (2015) and an MPhil in Human Resources (2022). She credits the research based programme with teaching her to be an ambitious and open thinker, and to put premium on creativity of thought. Melissa has explored issues related to the welfare of people within the workplace and in later life in both professional and academic settings. She researched on the role emotions play at work for her master’s thesis and helped to develop a customer-focused approach in Client Operations during her years in the pensions industry at General Trust.

After spending four years in the Pensions and Social Security industry, Melissa turned to research, enrolling in a multi-disciplinary MSc by research project between the School of Business and Humanities and NetwellCASALA at DkIT. This project also involves a collaboration with Dundalk Credit Union. Her current research is investigating the financial literacy needs of older persons in Ireland, to achieve financial wellbeing into older age.

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Research Interests

Financial literacy, financial wellbeing, emotions at work


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