Silver Surfer digital skills classes at NetwellCASALA a big success
Congratulations to all participants in our Digital Skills training which was completed just the day before the DkIT campus shut down in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The training was provided at NetwellCASALA in DkIT in conjunction with AgeAction, as part of our joint outreach and Living Lab activities. Delivered by staff and student volunteers from DkIT, the classes sought to close the gap in ‘the digital divide’ by increasing the digital skills for older citizens. What transpired was much more positive than simple ‘how to’ classes.
Learners were delighted to pick up some new ways to use their smartphones, laptops, ipads/tablets and the internet, but the highlight of the classes may well have been the chat and laughs had over a cuppa each week. As is usually the case, our volunteers reported gaining much more from the experience of meeting our learners than they felt they had given. We look forward to having another opportunity to do this again with our friends at Age Action when we return to regular life in the near future. In the meantime, we are sure our learners are making the most out of the skills they acquired during the classes and we hope all our learners and volunteers stay connected, safe and well until we see each other again.