PhD Studentship - Developing a toolkit to support digital financial literacy education in older adults

About the Project

Fully Funded PhD Studentship, Dundalk, Ireland.

Primary Research Area: Social Science, Learning and Teaching

Keywords: Ageing and older adults, digital literacy, financial literacy, lifelong learning, Learning and Teaching, Social Science 

Project Overview:

Digital literacy is increasingly necessary to participate in society and access a wide range of information and services. As older adults use digital technologies less than younger adults this has raised concerns about social inclusion among this cohort. This is particularly pertinent in the case of banking and financial services. Evidence shows older persons are much less likely to engage with online banking and shopping. The reasons for this are complex but it is associated with digital financial literacy (DFL) – the skills to use digital financial tools. The OECD recommends that national digital strategies should include programmes to enhance DFL in vulnerable groups. It is noteworthy that evidence indicates older people are often willing to engage with digital tools if these are relevant, well-designed and they are supported to do so, such as with appropriate education or instruction.  This study aims to increase understanding of DFL among older persons in the Irish context. Using rapid ethnography, it will explore the experiences of older persons with digital financial tools and generate recommendations to guide DFL education that is relevant for older and novice digital financial technology users. Findings will inform the development and piloting of a DFL implementation toolkit for use by financial and community education institutions.  

The aim of the project is to develop and pilot a digital financial literacy ‘toolkit’ for implementation by financial institutions.   Specific objectives are:

  1. To understand the experiences of older persons with digital financial tools, including needs, expectations, challenges, and facilitators of their accessibility and use.
  2. To identify the challenges and experiences of financial institutions seeking to facilitate wider use of digital financial tools by older customers who are novice users of digital technologies.
  3. To identify the characteristics of effective digital financial literacy education for older persons especially those who are novice users of digital financial tools.
  4. To explore the application of UDL principles to digital financial education aimed at inclusion of older persons.
  5. Make recommendations regarding the design and delivery of digital financial education for older adults in the Irish context. 

Dundalk Credit Union (DkCU) is the aligned enterprise partner for this project. As a community credit union, DkCU is well placed to collaborate on this project by providing immersive placement (12 weeks, likely split into two 6-week placements) opportunity to the PhD candidate, to inform this study, and pilot the proposed toolkit for evaluation. This will be of high value to the project and help to inform how findings can be translated and transferred to other financial services organisations and beyond.

Type of Degree Offered: PhD – Full Time registration only

Minimum Qualifications: Applicants should hold a minimum 2:1 degree (or equivalent) in a relevant discipline, e.g. any Social Science, Business, Education, Health Studies etc.

Experience/Expertise required:

A demonstrated interested in older people/ageing would be an advantage. 

Good communication skills, written and oral. 

Competent in use of Microsoft office applications. 

Qualitative research experience is desirable but is not essential as training will be provided.

Applicants whose first language is not English, must demonstrate a recent (within 12 months) minimum proficiency in English at 6.5 on the IELTS scale or equivalent. Applicants whose first language is not English, but who have attained their primary degree through the medium of English, are not subject to the above requirement. 

Supervisory Team:

Dr Moira Maguire, School of Health & Science

Dr Gerry Gallagher, Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

Suzanne Smith MSc, NetwellCASALA Research Centre

For informal queries: For Informal queries relating to the project, please contact: [email protected] . Please note canvassing will render an applicant eligible.

How to Apply

Please apply at

Select Academic term 2024/25, Academic Level is Postgraduate Research and Programme is CREATE PhD09

As part of the application you will be required to upload a copy of your CV including references and a one-page cover letter outlining your suitability for this position and your motivation. Also required are copies of your Transcripts of results and where applicable IELTS qualifications. These will be requested after you submit your application.

The deadline for receipt of applications is 4 pm (GMT) on Friday 9th August 2024. It is expected that applicants will start no later than mid October 2024.

DkIT reserves the right to extend this deadline

Funding Notes

This Fully Funded Scholarship is managed by the CREATE-DkIT project and is co-financed by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-27 and the Northern & Western Regional Programme 2021-27.

Funding includes an annual stipend of €25,000 and contribution towards annual postgraduate fees of €5,500 for a maximum of 48 months.