We think it's important to share our findings

Our research is published in peer-reviewed journals, books, and conference proceedings


Addressing the Dementia Challenge in Ireland - Technology Solutions for Self-Management

Authors:Dympna O’Sullivan, Julie Doyle and Siobhan O’Neill
Type:Policy paper

An Exploration of Engagement and Collaboration Between Healthcare Professionals and Older Adults with Multimorbidity Using a Digital Health Platform.

Authors:Julie Doyle, Patricia McAleer, Emma Murphy, Suzanne Smith, Mary Galvin & John Dinsmore
Type:Conference paper

Meeting the attachment needs of nursing home residents with dementia

Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies
Authors:Carragher, Lucia; Jones, Gemma; Marron, Ann; and Ballantine, Laura
Type:Journal article

The Role of Social Networks When Using Digital Health Interventions for Multimorbidity

Authors:Polak, S., van Leeuwen, C., Sillevis Smitt, M., Doyle, J., Cullen-Smith, S., Jacobs, A.
Type:Conference Paper

Integrating the Quantitative with the Qualitative – Findings from a Mixed Methods Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise Trial

Heart Rhythm O2
Authors:Oonagh M. Giggins, Suzanne Cullen-Smith, Eanna Kenny, Julie Doyle
Type:Journal Paper

Cultural Adapation and validity evidence of the Student Nurse Stressor-15 (SNS-15) Scale for Brazil

Rev Bras Enferm
Authors:Araujo, A., de Godoy, S., Freitas e Silva Maia, N.M., Trevelin, M.E., Vedana, K., Neufeld, C., Freire, N., Ventura, C.A., McAleer, P., Mendes
Type:Journal Paper

Augmenting K-Means Clustering With Qualitative Data to Discover the Engagement Patterns of Older Adults With Multimorbidity When Using Digital Health Technologies - Proof-of-Concept Trial

J Med Internet Res
Authors:Sheng Y, Bond R, Jaiswal R, Dinsmore J, Doyle J.
Type:Journal Paper