Dr. Julie Doyle

Dr. Julie Doyle

Centre Director

Julie has a degree and PhD in Computer Science from University College Dublin. She has worked in research positions at the University of Ottawa in Canada and the TRIL and CLARITY research centres in University College Dublin. Julie is a researcher in Human Computer Interaction (HCI), with a focus on designing and evaluating intuitive and useful digital health and wellbeing technologies for older adults and those who support their care. She is particularly interested in understanding the factors that inhibit and support effective engagement with digital health technologies, and ensuring that technologies are designed to enhance engagement and improve health and wellbeing outcomes.

Since joining NetwellCASALA in 2011, Julie has been leading digital health projects in a range of areas including chronic disease management, falls prevention, rehabilitation, ambient assisted living, and dementia care. She has secured in excess of €6.5million in research funding for NetwellCASALA. She is Principal Investigator on the Horizon 2020 funded projects SEURO and ProACT and the INTERREG VA funded project ECME. She leads extensive multi-country trials examining how digital technologies, developed at NetwellCASALA, can support older adults to self-manage multiple chronic conditions at home. She is also Co-Investigator of the Research Ireland-funded Smart Dementia Care and Co-Design for Dementia projects, building a digital toolkit to support people with memory challenges and dementia, along with their carers, in planning and managing their care at home.

As the Director of NetwellCASALA, Julie leads a multi-disciplinary team of researchers and software developers working at the cutting edge of human-computer interaction design of digital innovation solutions to support people into older age. She works with stakeholders across academia, public and private sectors, and directly with citizens through community groups. Julie is also co-lead of the Sláintecare-funded SMILE project, delivering health and wellbeing self-management solutions developed by NetwellCASALA to hundreds of people in the community in the south of Ireland.

Julie has published approximately 150 articles in top-tier scientific venues. She is a regular keynote speaker and panellist and has recently presented to the Government’s Commission on Care for Older Adults on the topic of engaging older adults in digital health self-management.

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Research Interests

Human computer interaction; digital health; ageing; user-centred design; accessibility; multimorbidity self-management; dementia; digital health engagement


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